Here you can find all the information about delivery and payment.
Payment for your purchases on the website is made in United States Dollar ($) or CFP franc. ( The entire transaction is sent to an encrypted form validation server using Paybox SSL Secure Socket Layer).
The online payment method is secure and complies with 2021 security standards.
You can pay by: Paypal, Visa, Mastercard, Discover and American Express.

1-Paypal for purchases in United States Dollar currency: Details of the security system.
2-Bank Transfer: Bank transfer under your own responsibility as a user and customer.
3- Payzen OSB for purchases in CPF Franc ( XPF currency): Details of the security System & Legals
Terms of delivery:
The products are delivered according to the address of your choice, and as indicated during the ordering process. It is your responsibility to provide us with exactly all the details necessary for the proper delivery of your order.
Delivery may vary from 4 to 8 working days after confirmation of your order while stocks last. This is an average time based on the destination and the shipping method of the item (post, carrier).
Common delivery destinations are:
French Polynesia, France, EU Dom, China, UK, Portugal, Holland, USA, Islands in the Caribbean Sea, Canada, Australia, Belgium, South America, Argentina, Brazil, Chile, Peru, Colombia, Switzerland, Eastern Europe).